Return & Refunds
All items must be returned for a refund within 14 days of being received and a returns number is required. A returns number is available from us directly, please email for your returns number within the 14 days of the item being received.
Any goods that are faulty will be exchanged once returned to us or the manufacturer depending on the goods in question within the 15 days from date of delivery, you are able to return a faulty item for exchange or a refund within this time frame. Outside of your 15 days you are only able to claim against your warranty if one was provided.
Any item(s) damaged during postage will be replaced providing that you email us pictures addiaquate enough for the courier to confirm the damage to the item and box, this must be done within the time requested by the courier that delivered the goods in question. All merchandise is secured, but for this to work in case of breakage or loss, it is important to clearly indicate on the delivery note the status of the case received or possibly call transport within 24 hours following indicating the product problem.
International customers are able to return goods to us at their own cost within 7 days of delivery, all postage costs are none refundable.
Postage paid at checkout is none refundable on all orders once your order is placed.
Items that are painted once delivered are none refundable as they can not be returned to the manufacturer for a refund, Or having undergone any modification.